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Don’t Give Your RV Tires the Cold Shoulder this Winter!

Stack of old tires

We’ve discussed in numerous blogs the importance of covering your RV during periods of non-use and how important that one step is to ensuring you get the full life from your camper, but let’s not forget one of the most important parts of the RV itself…the tires.

It’s easy to cover the camper and move along to something else on the “honey-do” list. Chances are you’ve just given your RV tires the cold shoulder. Most RV covers don’t protect the tires and separate tire covers will be needed. They are relatively inexpensive and are a great way to keep the tires from aging prematurely.

Before You Store

Make sure the tires are clean and that all excess dirt and debris is removed. Tires should be inflated 25% over recommended operating pressure, but never more than the pressure stated on the sidewall of the tire (the maximum pressure the tire can withstand before rupturing).

What Bears the Weight

It is best to store your RV parked on a hard, flat, level surface so moisture can be controlled. If you don’t have access to a paved pad, large concrete stepping stones work well, but make sure the tires are completely on the paver.

Cover, Cover, Cover!

Purchasing tire covers in the correct size will protect your RV tires from UV light and harsh weather. Measuring to see what size tire covers you will need is easy! All you need is a tape measure or ruler. Starting at one end of the tire, measure in a straight line across the tire through the center to the end of the tire on the other side. You will also need to know if your RV is single, double, or triple axle.

RV Covers Direct® carries many sizes and styles of tire covers, or Tyre Gards, in stock and ready to ship. Tyre Gards come in Polar White, Black, Diamond Plated Steel, and Game Creek “Oaks” Camouflage.

Check out our website,, to see which pattern you prefer and complete your order online, over the phone at 1-800-925-8602, or through our convenient online chat. We are happy to answer any questions you might have to ensure you get the correct product.

To learn more about the ADCO products we offer including Tyre Gards, check out our video below!

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